Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Legislation Passed Regarding Photoshop

In addition to new laws that have banned underweight models from participating in local advertising, policy-makers in Israel have just passed a new law that will require publications to reveal when models have been photo-shopped or if images have been edited to make models appear thinner than they are.  As one of the first laws of this kind, supporters are encouraged that this may help the effort to decrease the rate of eating disorders by promoting positive self image through media publications of realistic bodies.  This law would also be helpful in demonstrating and unveiling the vast use of digital imaging in countless publications.  The fashion industry is often criticized for romanticizing extreme thinness, and this course of action by the government is one of the first attempts to break this illusion-revealing the dangerous potentials that this could lead to, particularly the development of eating disorders.  Learn more about this new law implement in Israel by reading here.

What are your thoughts about this new legislation?  What implications might this have for those who are struggling with eating disorders?